Will my plant bud?

Articles Will my plant bud? As the spring months approach and the cold, overcast weather is replaced by longer, sunnier days, not only are we in a better mood, but our outdoor plants also feel the change in weather, starting to circulate m...

Where to buy bougainvillea?

Articles Where to buy bougainvillea? Thanks to the fact that the weather in our country has become more and more Mediterranean in recent decades, tropical exotic and Mediterranean ornamental plants are becoming more and more common in incr...

When can I take it outside?

Articles When can I take the bougainvillea outside? Bougainvillea is an ornamental plant that grows in the open air in tropical and Mediterranean regions. In our country, it is sensitive to frost, so it can only be kept in pots or containe...

Flowering of bougainvillea

Articles Flowering of bougainvillea The most basic thing to clarify in this topic is what a bougainvillea flower actually is. The flowers of bougainvillea are often identified as the bracts around the flowers, which change colour due to su...

Transplanting bougainvillea

Articles Transplanting bougainvillea Bougainvillea flowers best when its root system fills the container it is in. Because bougainvillea roots are extremely delicate and break easily, transplanting should only be carried out when absolutel...

Pruning bougainvillea

Articles Pruning bougainvillea Without pruning, bougainvillea will grow long branches, become misshapen and unmanageable. I recommend that you prune bougainvillea to encourage the development of a bushier plant. Don't be afraid to grab the...

Overwintering of bougainvillea

Articles Overwintering of bougainvillea The bougainvillea is not a frost-tolerant plant and therefore requires protection in winter. Bougainvillea can die if temperatures remain below freezing for 4 hours. A light frost will not kill the p...

Watering your bougainvillea

Articles Watering your bougainvillea A healthy bougainvillea requires a lot of water throughout the season. During cooler periods, or when you are overwintering your bougainvillea, its water requirements are significantly less. How much w...

Fertilisation of bougainvillea

Articles Fertilisation of bougainvillea Bougainvillea is a nutrient-demanding Mediterranean plant, so fertile soil is essential for its growth. If the bougainvillea is healthy, all parts of the plant, including the stem, leaves and bracts,...

Soil mix for bougainvillea

Articles Soil mix for bougainvillea Bougainvillea will grow well in almost any soil, provided it is well drained and fertile. Choose a growing medium that is permeable to water but also helps to prevent the plants from drying out between w...

Planting bougainvillea

Articles Planting bougainvillea When planting bougainvillea, it is vital to choose the right size of planting pot. If you are planting a home-grown plant rather than a purchased one, choose a container of the right size for the size of the...