
Pruning bougainvillea


Pruning bougainvillea

Without pruning, bougainvillea will grow long branches, become misshapen and unmanageable. I recommend that you prune bougainvillea to encourage the development of a bushier plant. Don’t be afraid to grab the pruning shears, the more you prune, the stronger and more grateful the plant will be.

Bougainvilleas can be pruned at any time from spring to late summer, however, it is vital to prune after the flowering cycle. Colourful bracts of bougainvillea always form at the ends of shoots and branches. If you cut back these branch ends before flowering, you are effectively cutting off the flowers, so flowering is terminated.

Pruning should be completed by mid-August at the latest to allow the shoots time to develop until the autumn equinox, at the end of which the colouring bracts will reappear from mid-September.

Disproportionately elongated bougainvillea requiring pruning and shaping.

Since most bougainvillea varieties grow without forming side shoots, young plants need to be pruned frequently to produce a bushy, aesthetically pleasing plant. When pruning, pinch off the tips of shoots that are around 30 cm long. After a week or so, the base of the 2-4 leaf stalks below the cut will branch out, and you should pinch them back at the tips again about 3-5 weeks later, when they have reached 6-8 leaves in length. Pruning bougainvillea is recommended not only for bushiness, but also for more abundant flowering. As mentioned above, the flowers are produced at the tips of the shoots. The more branching, the more branch tips, so there will be more flowers.

Important: I don’t recommend pruning bougainvillea again before bringing it inside for the winter. In winter, bougainvillea branches tend to dry back somewhat, either more or less, depending on the variety. Even if you prune and your plant does dry back, by spring you will have lost much of the foliage you grew last season and you will effectively have to start again from scratch. Don’t even think about pruning in winter, do the first pruning at the spring planting.

magenta vonal

As an artisanal nursery based in Hungary, we are dedicated exclusively to growing, propagating and selling bougainvillea mutations. Our purchasing system is overseen by the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH). Our mother plants and propagations are supervised by a plant protection expert, a plant protection specialist and a plant doctor, assigned by NÉBIH. Our bougainvillea are delivered with a plant passport. The plant passport is the official label required for the transport of plants within the European Union, certifying that the plants bearing it meet the health requirements of all EU plants. In addition to the bougainvillea varieties known in Hungary, our collection also includes the rarest tropical mutations. The procurement of mother plants and propagation from them is continuous. We propagate locally and do not sell to other traders. All our Bougainvillea for sale have strong roots, are healthy and resistant to disease. Plants are delivered by GLS, MPL, or other local couriers. Our plants can be delivered to any place in Hungary within one day of order. Need more reasons to buy?

Bougainvillea sales in European Union, bougainvillea purchase in Hungary domestic nursery specialized in gravel gardens.

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