
Transplanting bougainvillea


Transplanting bougainvillea

Bougainvillea flowers best when its root system fills the container it is in. Because bougainvillea roots are extremely delicate and break easily, transplanting should only be carried out when absolutely necessary. Leave the plant in its original pot until its root system is densely woven into the soil. Bougainvillea will thrive in a 4-litre container for up to 3-4 years, so there is no need to repot it in a larger pot every year.

As mentioned above, the root system of bougainvillea is more sensitive than that of most Mediterranean plants, so root pruning is not allowed when transplanting. In fact, try to disturb the roots as little as possible. If you fail to do this, the plant may go into shock and take weeks to recover. Simply lift the plant out of the pot and move it to a pot that is one or at most two sizes larger, and then carefully fill it with the required amount of soil.

magenta vonal

As an artisanal nursery based in Hungary, we are dedicated exclusively to growing, propagating and selling bougainvillea mutations. Our purchasing system is overseen by the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH). Our mother plants and propagations are supervised by a plant protection expert, a plant protection specialist and a plant doctor, assigned by NÉBIH. Our bougainvillea are delivered with a plant passport. The plant passport is the official label required for the transport of plants within the European Union, certifying that the plants bearing it meet the health requirements of all EU plants. In addition to the bougainvillea varieties known in Hungary, our collection also includes the rarest tropical mutations. The procurement of mother plants and propagation from them is continuous. We propagate locally and do not sell to other traders. All our Bougainvillea for sale have strong roots, are healthy and resistant to disease. Plants are delivered by GLS, MPL, or other local couriers. Our plants can be delivered to any place in Hungary within one day of order. Need more reasons to buy?

Bougainvillea sales in European Union, bougainvillea purchase in Hungary domestic nursery specialized in gravel gardens

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